Favorite weapon(s)
I always do Kasumi's loyalty quest so I can pick up the Locust submachine gun as early as possible. My Shepard is a vanguard, and the SMG is about as heavy as she can roll, and Locust is the best, plain and simple.
Later on Shepard gets advanced weapon training, and I always choose sniper rifles because sniping is just so much damn fun.
As for heavy weapons, the Cain is amazing- launch a nuclear warhead!- but I tend to have the Arc Projector with me at all times. It's a chain lightning gun, and it's great for taking down heavy mechs.
For me it was all about the sniper rifles.
I played as a soldier so I have the 'Adrenaline Rush' to slow play down for a few seconds so I can pop off sweet headshots.
I also found the hand cannon good for taking out the Husks in close quarters.
My favourite weapons were my squad mates. Does that count?
I usually play soldier, and my favorite is the Mattock, though the sniper rifle is growing on me. (I hated them in ME1).
Also: I just watched "Empire of the Ants" today and realized that my Shepard looks like Joan Collins.
That image is making me laugh a lot. :D
Matango, I agree that the sniper rifle in ME1 totally blew. It was all shaky and nearly impossible to get a good shot, even while using Adrenaline Rush.
But I probably could never have gotten through ME2 without it.
Howsabout that particle beam thing you nick off the Collectors? That little beauty slices through anything and everything like a knife through hot butter (or a hot knife through butter - I guess hot butter would be already melted)!
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